
Requirement for Admission

Every student who attains a grade point average of 3.50 is considered for membership in the National Junior Honor Society. Each student has two opportunities to qualify:

  • In the spring semester of seventh grade
  • In the fall semester of eighth grade

Each candidate must submit a summary of his or her school and community activities as well as three recommendations: two from school staff members and one from a member of the community. The Faculty Advisory Committee will consider the evidence for each candidate. The candidate will be invited to join if a majority of the committee votes for the student. Membership may be renewed each year as long as the student fulfills requirements to remain a member.

Induction of Members

The induction ceremony will take place in the

Chapter Council

Returning 8th graders are eligible to apply by essay to be part of the leadership council

This council will be selected from entries by the Faculty Volunteer Council

Schedule of Meetings

Students are expected to check email and the website weekly for new meeting dates and activities, but monthly meetings are expected.

Member Obligations

Each member is expected to maintain a 3.50 or higher grade point average, participate in a minimum of one service project each semester, miss no more than two meetings per year without a written excuse from an adult, and maintain an excellent disciplinary record.

Each current member is expected to volunteer a minimum of 10 service hours for the school year (August - end of May). New 7th grade members (that will be invited in January) will only be required to volunteer 5 hours (January - end of May). Ask your advisor or council adults for volunteer ideas .

Each member is expected to attend the monthly meetings. Meetings will be at 8:00 AM in the Forum at designated times as per schedule and calendar. If a student has 2 consecutive unexcused absences from meetings, student will be placed on probation. If attendance is going to be a problem due to transportation, please alert Mrs. Rondeau immediately.

If the member has a disciplinary issue, he or she is expected to notify one of the co-advisors or a faculty council member immediately, and write a letter of explanation. The faculty council will discuss the case and vote on a course of action.


Member’s grades will be reviewed each semester.

Description of Projects

This organization will be involved in several service projects each year, and will conduct fundraisers as necessary to support those projects.


Each student is expected to pay $10.00 each year for membership. There will be special consideration if a family is unable to pay.

Conditions for Permanent Dismissal from Membership

  • Failure to maintain the 3.50 GPA for more than one semester.
  • Less than minimum required participation in the Society’s activities. (10 hours of volunteer service for school year - August to May for current 8th grade students and January - May for 7th grade inductees)
  • It is assumed that members will continue to display the traits of leadership, service, and character that are the prerequisites for induction into this organization. If a member’s qualifications are called into question, his/her case will be handled individually by the Faculty Council in conjunction with the school Administration.
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