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Effective July 1, 2021, all students are now required to have the following immunizations PRIOR to entry into the SEVENTH GRADE:
Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis (Tdap) Booster
Meningococcal Conjugate Vaccine (MenACWY, MCV4, Men B)*
Human Papillomavirus Vaccine (HPV)**
*A total of two properly spaced doses of MenACWY are now required, one prior to enrollment in the 7th grade and a second prior to enrollment in the 12th grade.
**Although the HPV is required for all students entering the 7th grade, a parent or guardian does have the right to decide if their child receives the HPV vaccine. No additional documentation is required if the student does not have this immunization.
The above-mentioned immunizations may be obtained from your doctor or the local health department. Official documentation of these immunizations must be provided to your child’s school prior to enrollment into seventh grade.
To assist our families with obtaining the required immunizations, we have scheduled immunization clinics on July 27th at CAMS and RMMS. These clinics will be on-site and NOT drive-thru.
Pre-registration for the immunization clinics is required. Parents should call the Botetourt County Health Department at (540) 666-4275 to register. A parent or guardian must be present with any child under the age of 18 at the time the immunization is given.
More information regarding the vaccines can be obtained from your doctor or the local health department. Please contact Read Mountain at (540) 966-8655 if you have questions regarding providing documentation.
You may email or fax records to:
Donna Price – School Counseling Office
Fax (540) 966-8656
Email [email protected]